ABERDEEN City Council (ACC) is to consider banning fireworks after local authorities were awarded new powers earlier this year.
However, the city council confirmed that no ban would be in place for this year, claiming it would be too late to implement any new restrictions.
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The new restrictions would limit the use of pyrotechnics to only authorised public displays.
It’s recommended that a consultation period of up to three months is held if local authorities are to consider the restrictions.
If one is introduced, then it must be published at least 60 days before coming into force.
An ACC spokesperson told The Press and Journal: “Unfortunately, these timescales restricted us from being able to implement a Firework Control Zone for this year’s Guy Fawkes period however, our Community Safety Partnership have jointly agreed to explore an implementation for 2024.”
“Each year we work with partners to implement Operation Fawkes which delivers a co-ordinated approach on the days leading up to November 5 and the evenings of peak demand.
“The aim is to tackle unauthorised bonfires, fireworks, fire hazards and the accumulation of waste or hazardous materials that represent potential fire risks.
“Our partnership recognises that bonfires and fireworks can be enjoyed safely and bring communities together and are determined to ensure this is the experience of residents across Aberdeen.”