Aberdeen elections for the Scottish Youth Parliament now open


THERE are 11 candidates vying for the role of representing young people in Aberdeen following the opening of elections for the Scottish Youth Parliament on Monday 6 November.

The Scottish Youth Parliament is the democratically elected voice of Scotland’s young people.  Around 160 young people aged 14-25 are elected every two years to represent every part of Scotland and to campaign for positive change. 

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The 11 candidates are standing for election to represent a total of six seats in the Aberdeen Central, Aberdeen Donside and Aberdeen South & North Kincardine constituency wards. 

Councillor Martin Greig, the Convener of Education and Children’s Services Committee, Aberdeen City Council, said: “Aberdeen is an inclusive city where local democracy, youth participation and listening to young people is extremely important. It is vital that our young people know that they are valued and that they are empowered. The Youth Parliament is an excellent way to connect and be heard.

“By voting in the Scottish Youth Parliament elections, young people choose their own representatives who are able to speak up on their behalf. This is a welcome, effective process for influencing decision-makers.”

Voting is open to young people, aged 12 to 25, across Scotland. Young people in Aberdeen can cast their votes online using their Young Scot National Entitlement Card.

Voting closes at 6pm on Sunday 19 November 2023. The results will be declared on Monday 20 November, World Children’s Day.

The votes from young people give the elected Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament (MSYPs) their democratic mandate to represent the views of Scotland’s young people on local and national issues.

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