Aberdeen law firm webinar to offer post-brexit navigation tips

Ewan Neilson, Stronach’s head of energy partner

AN Aberdeen-based law firm is encouraging fellow local businesses to get to grips with operating in a post-Brexit world.

Stronachs LLP is to stage an online webinar entitled: “Beyond Brexit: Revolution & Evolution” to examine how businesses can made sense of the biggest shake-up of corporate life for a generation, and move forward against a backdrop of change.

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The event, being held on Feb 25, will feature a range of speakers from Stronachs and the North-east business community.

Ewan Neilson, Stronach’s head of energy partner, said: “Businesses will be heavily impacted by new ways in how we do many things.

“This is the first major change in 48 years and numerous aspects of how we do business across every sector will be affected, from the structure and nature of our relationship with the rest of Europe through the UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement and other related agreements and arrangements to different business sectors.

“This webinar will bring together some important strands into one, accessible online format which facilitates knowledge in a COVID-19 safe way and we look forward to welcoming as diverse a range of business representatives as possible.”

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