Black heritage business leaders join forces with KPMG to inspire Scotland’s future business stars

KPMG UK manager Darbie Onugha

BLACK heritage business leaders have shared their personal stories of challenge and triumph in an event aimed at inspiring Scotland’s future business leaders.

Despite ongoing COVID-19 restrictions, KPMG’s African & Caribbean Network in Scotland pushed ahead with their second annual MAKE History event, following the success of last year’s launch event in Aberdeen.

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The event took place entirely virtually with attendees hearing from a range of panelists and speakers, including Aberdeen-based KPMG UK manager Darbie Onugha.

The MAKE History campaign was founded with the aim of bringing together Scotland’s black heritage community to learn from each other and motivate younger people to have the confidence and knowledge to become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs or corporate leaders.

Darbie said: We looked in-depth at themes including excellence in the workplace and offered words of advice that will hopefully motivate tomorrow’s black business leaders – not just in Aberdeen, but throughout Scotland.

“This year’s event isn’t the start and end of our discussions and networking. We’re hoping to build on the success of our new networks and create a platform that really makes a positive difference in Scotland’s black heritage community.”



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