Brexit: Is your business ready for change?


Nobody can claim to be an expert on Brexit, after all nobody knows exactly what will happen and when it will happen. In the business world this leaves companies with two options:

  1. To wait and see what happens and react accordingly
  2. Or, to anticipate that there will be change, determine what the potential impact could be, understand what can we do now and in the following months to safeguard our businesses and ideally position ourselves to thrive.

The first option is at best ‘risky’, based on chance and therefore perhaps not the most credible option for many. The latter option brings a more proactive approach and whilst it will never be 100% perfect or achievable, we can apply what we know and what we have learned from similar situations to draw up a contingency action plan, or strategy, addressing the various risks involved.

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On Tuesday 8 March 2018 Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP (AAB) are coming together with Fragomen LLP and the Visa Team to discuss these challenges and will present topics for debate on:

Observations and learnings from elsewhere

Bill Kane, Head of Consulting, AAB, will open the session with observations from the Scottish Independence Referendum and business contingency planning to that ‘unknown outcome’ compared to the reaction to Brexit. Even if the outcome is unknown are business owners willing to leave their futures to chance? Hope is not a Strategy.

EU immigration and status

Ian Robinson, Partner, Fragomen LLP, will talk through setting the policy process drawing on qualitative and quantitative research. Ian will demonstrate what businesses can do now, to absorb the shock of separation and reassure nervous employees and prospective hires.

Event Details

If you would like to join us to hear what Brexit might mean for your current and prospective employees, plus what you can do now to be ready for separation, you can book your place on Event Brite.

Date: Thursday 8 March 2018

Timings: Breakfast will be served from 7.30am, with presentations starting at 8.00am. The event will finish at 9.30am.

Location: Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP, Kingshill View, Prime Four Business Park, Kingswells, Aberdeen, AB15 8PU

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