Community Planning Aberdeen approves new strategy for empowering city’s communities


THE Community Planning Aberdeen Board, chaired by Aberdeen City Council co-leader Councillor Alex Nicoll, on Wednesday 30 November approved a new strategy to help the city’s communities become equal community planning partners in achieving positive change.

The Community Empowerment Strategy 2023-2026 defines what improvement in community empowerment will look like by 2026 and introduces a new 16th Stretch Outcome to increase the proportion of people who feel they are able to participate in decisions that change things for the better by 100%. This adds to the 15 priority stretch outcomes within the Aberdeen City Local Outcome Improvement Plan (LOIP).

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The strategy includes a portal to new tools and a resources web page. Whether you are an active citizen wishing to gain support for an idea, a community group seeking to make an improvement, or an organisation wishing to engage with the local community; this is a one-stop shop for practical tips and advice

Councillor Nicoll said: “We acknowledge that there are groups that face barriers to getting involved with community engagement and empowerment activities which creates power inequalities across the City. This strategy underlines our determination to address these barriers, and enable all our communities to become active agents in achieving improvements to their local areas.”

 The Board also endorsed:

  • A three-year action plan to support Aberdeen’s commitment to become a Real Living Wage City by working with partner organisations to increase the number of accredited employers and uplift more people in the city onto real Living Wage rates.
  • Progress on Aberdeen’s journey to be ready for the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), including the recent World Children’s Day event and development of child friendly publications 

The Board was also updated on the following further two projects which have achieved and sustained their aims:

  • Increase the uptake of unclaimed benefits by 10% across Aberdeen City by 2023 – which has seen an 81% increase in uptake of unclaimed benefits on average per week during the project through theonline benefit calculator
  • Increase community food growing in schools, communities and workplaces by 2023 – which has seen food growing projects in schools, communities, and workplaces increase by 42 since February 2022.

Councillor Nicoll said: “It is really heartening to see such a broad spectrum of projects and proposals that will make Aberdeen an even better place to live either progress or come to a successful conclusion.

“In particular, I am delighted to see us tackle poverty, climate change and sustainability while ensuring the voices of our youngest citizens continue to be heard and influential in our plans for the future.”  

Full details of the reports can be found at:

Community Planning Aberdeen is the name for your local partnership of public, private and third sector organisations and communities all working together to improve people’s lives across Aberdeen City:

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