Confusion around 988 mental health support line cleared up by UK charity Mikeysline

Mikeysline CEO Emily Stokes has clarified that the 988 mental health helpline does not work in the UK – but there are many resources available to those struggling

A NEW mental health support line is doing the rounds on social media, says mental health charity Mikeysline, but all is not as it seems.

The charity has seen a spike in people sharing the 988 mental health hotline on social media in the last week – however this number is only active in the USA, and not in the UK.

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People struggling with their mental health or thoughts of suicide who dial the number in the UK are met with a message stating that the number is not recognised – which could have potentially dire consequences.

Emily Stokes, CEO of Mikeysline, said: “As we jump from crisis to crisis in the UK – from the pandemic to the rising cost of living – it is fantastic to see people sharing mental health support resources with people who are struggling.

“But it’s important to ensure that we are sharing appropriate advice and help. Someone reaching out for help at the most vulnerable time of their life could interpret an inactive phone line as a sign that help is not available – which is so far from the truth.

“Anyone in the UK can call the Samaritans on 116 123 if they are struggling – and services like Breathing Space offer evening and weekend phone support to anyone in Scotland.

“We know that not everyone feels able to talk about their issues out loud, which is why we have introduced text-based services through SMS, WhatsApp, Messenger, Twitter and web chat to support those in the north of Scotland who are suffering. And there are similar services available throughout the UK.

“The important thing for anyone who is struggling to remember is that it’s ok not to be ok. We are living through unprecedented times, faced with unimaginable challenges every day, so it is only natural to feel overwhelmed at times.

“Help is available for everyone that needs it, though. Whether you find it easier to talk on the phone or face-to-face or via text, you can reach someone that can listen and understand what you’re going through, and help you find a way forward.”

The charity has collated a list of phone lines and mental health support services that those in emotional distress can contact – alongside the text-based and face-to-face services it has provided for seven years in the north of Scotland. The list can be found at

Since 2015, Mikeysline has offered confidential, non-judgemental support to people of all ages dealing with mental health issues, emotional distress or thoughts of suicide in the Highlands and Moray. It does this via a text line service at 07786 207755; WhatsApp at 01463 729000 and via its website; and live chat, Twitter and Messenger via its website.

The charity also produces a popular podcast, Speaking of Suicide; works closely with teachers and pupils in schools across the north of Scotland; and offers face-to-face support in four Hives across the region – at its Inverness headquarters, Tesco in Tain, The Place in Alness, and the Highland Yoga Collective in Nairn. Here, service users can engage in one-to-one support or join in group sessions.

For more information, visit – or find Mikeysline on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.

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