Hair-raising new clinic opens in Aberdeen


Hair transplant surgery specialists Vinci Hair Clinic has announced the launch of a new Aberdeen branch.

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Utilising the latest technologies in hair transplants and hair loss treatments, the firm is set to open a new branch in the city’s Queens Gardens.

Vinci specialises in hair transplant surgery and provides a range of procedures for hair restoration, as well as treatments for alopecia, baldness, hair loss and thinning hair.

It has also pioneered a technique called Micro Scalp Pigmentation, which works in a similar way to a tattoo near me – providing the illusion of a shaved stubble look on the head to disguise both receding hairlines and bald patches – without the invasiveness of a full hair transplant.

Scott McGow, manager at the new Aberdeen clinic, said: “We’re incredibly excited about opening another clinic in Scotland as, until recently, anyone wanting these procedures would have had to travel to Glasgow or London for treatment.

“This new site opens up previously unseen treatments, like Micro Scalp Pigmentation, to the region and we’re looking forward to welcoming new clients.”

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