How can modern businesses make the most of generative AI?


THERE’S no denying that we are entering a period of change in the business world. Even more so than the introduction of computers, artificial intelligence (AI) is shaping business operations in a way that seems almost futuristic. This is both exciting and scary; the next few years are likely to be pivotal in setting the new direction for business processes.

So how can you make the most of this new technology, without losing the human element to your business? In this guide, we explain some of the tasks where generative AI can help you stay competitive.

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Supply chain management

Managing your supply chain is a vital part of any business. Not only do you need to make sure your products actually get to your customers in the first place, but you also need to see where you can improve. Quicker delivery times, fewer errors and reducing the impact of shortages elsewhere can all make your business stronger.

AI can help you identify areas of your supply chain that can be improved, noting friction points and suggesting solutions. Seeing clear information about where your process is getting stuck can help you make data-driven decisions around how to improve and drive your business forward.

AI can also work to flag up any short-term issues early on. Especially if you work across multiple time zones, having a programme monitoring all your deliveries at all times can mean that any problems can be resolved quickly, reducing the wider impact.


The age of social media has meant that even small business owners have more to do than ever before when it comes to marketing. It’s no longer enough to just have a website and maybe some flyers or an advert in the local paper. Businesses need to be active on all sorts of platforms, and make sure that their content is tailored to that specific audience in order to stay relevant. From photos and videos to traditional email marketing, that means there’s a lot of content to create.

Generative AI can write social media posts and emails for you, giving you a starting point before you make tweaks and edit yourself. Especially if this isn’t your strong point as a business owner, having this support can ensure that your content is suitable for the audience and the platform, allowing you to meet your social media goals.

Customer support

When you’re scaling your business, it can be hard to keep up with customer service demand. However, you may not yet be in a position to hire a member of staff to take on that role for you. Generative AI can help you deal with common queries, leaving you free to tackle more complex issues. In turn, this means your customers will likely get a faster response.

Whilst email templates can be useful for generic queries, AI means that you can create more personalised responses. As well as sounding less robotic, this can mean that your customers get a better experience and feel taken care of, potentially increasing brand loyalty.

Ethical considerations

It’s important to bear in mind that AI is currently a fairly unregulated industry. There are some existing legislations that apply – such as data protection – but otherwise this technology is fairly new. It’s natural that it will become part of daily operations, but businesses need to take care to ensure that AI technology is being used fairly and ethically.

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