How to detect low employee morale in your organisation and correct it

Office employee

Morale is something that all organisations should be monitoring, but it may seem abstract to many. Others might think that the effects of low morale are negligible and manageable. In reality, low morale in the marketplace can be a silent killer, and it can start to infect all aspects of your operation. Employee turnover goes up and more pressure is applied on your top performers, which then affects their morale. You can’t let something that could be corrected through simple action affect your business like that. Here’s how to detect low employee morale in your organisation and the steps you’ll need to take to correct the situation.

Monitor their Performance

Poor performance is one of the most obvious signs of low morale. However, you need to have ways to quantify performance objectively and over time to get a real assessment. One of the ways that you can do that is by using performance management software like StaffCircle. Their employee performance management solution allows you to not only streamline monthly and quarterly evaluations, but to also nurture better relationships with your employees by keeping track of their goals and progress. Performance management systems like theirs will allow you to show your employees that you care and that you are partners in their success and development. If you want more information on their employee relationship management tools and what they can do, you can learn more about their software here.

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Watch Out for Other Signs

There are many other signs of low morale that you need to pay attention to. Low attendance is one. Employees that were once cheery who all of a sudden seem disjointed or have sudden fits of anger is another thing you have to be on the lookout for. Unusually high turnover rates, apathy among your employees, and lack of transparency are other signs. If you never hear from your employees, for instance, don’t assume it to be a good thing. It might be that they’re not interested enough to build a rapport, or that they feel like you’re not accessible.

What to do to Correct Low Morale

First of all, you have to allow your employees to reach you. Not only that, but you have to be willing to act on recommendations. If you don’t, they will realise that your open-door policy is just a facade and that you don’t truly care about what they think, which will make matters worse. When it comes to things like absenteeism, this is often a sign of employees feeling trapped in their schedules. Offering them more control could be one of the best days to retain them. This will become increasingly important with this new crop of employees as many are not only starting to demand it, but have come to expect it. Having a well-being officer could be a great way to keep tabs on your employees’ mental health. Again, you have to make sure that you follow through and allow your employees to get some rest if needed.

Low morale can affect your organisation on a much deeper level than you may imagine. It’s your responsibility to catch symptoms early and make corrections immediately.

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