Interview: Russell Dalgleish, Scottish Business Network – A Scottish helping hand


Russell, what exactly is the Scottish Business Network?

I was asked recently to define the purpose of Scottish Business Network. My answer – “To support Scottish based companies to expand into London and internationally, whilst facilitating greater communication and connectivity between members of the global Scottish business community.”

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But really I mean “to extend an experienced hand”.

So how have things gone since you launched SBN?

It’s interesting to reflect on our progress to the above goal as we enter the most intensive time for our organisation when we hold five events over three weeks across two continents.

Our global network of Scots now exceeds 3,000 with over 300 of these full members. We have received presentations from 45 Scottish based business leaders and our members have provided support in terms of introductions, facilitating commercial transactions (actual sales), securing funding and joining boards.

Our organisation can now provide a “soft landing” and full support network for any Scottish firm looking at the London market.

Any interesting feedback from members?

This is what Nikki Thng of Class4kids has to say on the subject –

SBN is a bit of a startup too right?

In Startup terms we have proved our business model and are now in the Scale Up phase. Now is the time expand our delivery capability and exploit the huge market opportunity available to Scottish companies.

So can you summarise whats happening for the rest of the year?

By our next London event, scheduled for September 19th at the Caledonian Club, we will have delivered July events in San Francisco where we are hosted by RBS and in Menlo Park where our host is Silicon Valley bank.

Deployed a secure social communication platform allowing members based around the world to communicate and share opportunities.

Reported on the results of the largest ever international survey of Scots aimed at ascertaining international opportunities for Scottish companies. (Drop me a note if you would like to be included [email protected].)

Extended our team to add dedicated staff to support members and project capability to accelerate Scottish companies into export markets.

Extend our partnership network and work with other like minded, Scottish focused, organisations.

What else is unique about SBN?

At the request of members, we have extended our news and introduction capability to better share information and company “Asks”.

To generate the funds necessary to deliver on our vision of creating the world’s largest network of Scots in business.

So, in summary?

If you are a business looking for assistance to access markets beyond Scotland or if you are a Scot based outside Scotland looking to “extend a hand” then please get in touch. We have tremendous line up of world class business leaders speaking at our events later this year, information will be published at

Scottish Business Network is a private not-for-profit organisation

ps. We plan to hold an event in late August in Aberdeen, watch this space for details.

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