Italian Family Lawyers


Are you looking for a law firm in London that handles all aspects of Italian law and in particular Family Law?  Do you need a legal advice regarding a family matter?

What is Family Law?

Family law is one of the branch of civil law: in this branch, we deal with all the rules relating to family relations between spouses, children, parents and any other legal relations between the persons are part of the family. The main purpose of civil law is to provide compensation and resolve conflicts in the case of injuries caused by the conduct or action of another person.

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What can VGS do for you?

If you are looking for advice in these issues and in particular in the Italian family law? Then Vgs Family lawyers is able to offer you as a client the comfort of legal advice in Italian matters here in London, giving support on multiple issues that can go from the rights and duties of spouses with the respective family assistance obligations, the cohabitation agreements, all the matters of civil marriage and concordat marriage.

What VGS can also give as a service is their expertise in adoption issues, civil unions and couples of fact. Another field of action at VGS Family lawyers are of course divorce and separation, whether it involves children or not. In fact, we help in critic situations concerning maintenance allowances, communion or separation of property, balance sheet funds. Last but not least, you can come to us in case of family stalking and family mobbing.

The Italian Family Lawyers Team will work together with you to identify the most suitable and convenient solution to safeguard your rights and property in this regard. The law is an integral part of your workday, and lawyers are well prepared to assist you in the legal process. Legal certainty presupposes that the individual is able to refer to legislation, authorities and courts. Laws must be modern and at the same time guarantee fundamental rights and freedoms. The general aim of criminal policy is to reduce crime and strengthen the level of security that people perceive.

Why can’t I just obtain Legal Advice from English Lawyers?

It is necessary to consider that Italian law is very different from English law and is considered strict in the area of family law. In the field of succession, for example, the obligation to keep the shares of inheritance reserved for certain categories of close relatives.  This is mandatory and is very difficult to manage with a family member.

We are here to help you in these situations, explaining to you the differences and the necessary procedures to be carried out within a foreign law system.

It should be noted that the particularity of the relationships that arise in this area are due to the fact that the right, within the family, tends to protect the interest of the family group as a whole rather than the exclusive individual interest of its individual members.

Our firm guarantees quality customer service and our Italian family lawyers are carefully selected for their professionalism, availability, pragmatism and creativity.

If you need any other information, please, do not hesitate to contact us at: [email protected].

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