Local business Facebook group, Grampian Business Finder has exceeded 4000 members in first year.
The unique group was setup in February 2016 by Karen Stewart of This Little Piggy Marketing, to address the downturn in the oil price by encouraging business to be done locally whenever possible.
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Grampian Business Finder supports consumers to find solutions to their problems in real time, assists businesses to receive recommendations to secure new customers, and allows Members a forum to find answers to questions and highlight shared issues.
Karen Stewart is delighted with the progress of Grampian Business Finder, saying “it doesn’t feel like a whole year ago that I published Grampian Business Finder wondering if it would be useful to anyone; since then many Members have given me feedback on the value of the group both to them personally and to their businesses which is fantastic to know.
“Feedback also demonstrates the very supportive nature of the Grampian people and an appetite for face to face meetings which will be launched this week, I’m keen that Grampian Business Finder continues to develop and find new ways to support the local economy in current challenging times and beyond”.
Local Photographer Michal Wachucik said “Grampian Business Finder has saved me £4000! A replacement boiler was going to cost me £4500. BUT when I posted (on Grampian Business Finder) I found a much better solution”.
Grampian Business Finder is at www.facebook.com/groups/GrampianBusinessFinder and Karen is keen to assist Members to make the most of the group and welcomes their ongoing feedback.