OUTDOOR retailer Mountain Warehouse will open an 11,700 sq. ft. store in Aberdeen’s Union Square shopping centre on February 24, featuring a range of outdoor gear.
Outdoor retailer Mountain Warehouse is set to open a new 11,700 sq. ft. store in Aberdeen’s Union Square shopping centre on February 24. The store will offer womenswear, kidswear, and equipment on the ground floor, while menswear will be available on the first floor, featuring winter bestsellers such as down jackets, ski gear, base layers, and snow boots.
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Mountain Warehouse founder Mark Neale expressed excitement about sharing the brand’s passion for adventure and outdoor gear, emphasising value for the whole family. Neale said, “We’re delighted to be opening our new store in Aberdeen, and excited to share our passion for adventure and great value outdoor gear for all the family, even the dog!”
Ryan Manson, Union Square’s General Manager, welcomed Mountain Warehouse to Union Square, highlighting the brand as a valuable addition that enhances the outdoor clothing and accessories offering.
Manson said, “We’re thrilled to welcome Mountain Warehouse to Union Square. This exciting new addition builds on a series of high-profile openings last year and affirms the flight to quality we are experiencing, with best-in-class brands leveraging city centre destinations that offer customers the best integrated experience. Mountain Warehouse also bolsters and adds a new dimension to our outdoor clothing and accessories offering which continues to be a top performing category for us.”
The new store is expected to create 14 jobs in the local area.