OGUK expands to cover low-carbon energy generation – and rebrands

Deirdre Michie, CEO of Offshore Energies UK

OGUK, the Aberdeen-based representative body for the UK’s offshore oil and gas industry, announced today that it is expanding to include low-carbon offshore energy technologies that its members are developing. These will include offshore wind, hydrogen production, carbon capture and storage systems, and other emerging low-carbon technologies.

The move will also see OGUK changing its name to Offshore Energies UK, following a year-long strategic review and will formally take effect from February 14. Offshore Energies UK will continue to champion the oil and gas sector but will also support those with an interest in carbon capture and storage, hydrogen production and offshore wind, to better reflect the evolving nature of the industry and the diverse mix of systems needed to achieve net zero.

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Offshore Energies UK will continue to work with regulators, policy-makers and wider stakeholders to champion the offshore energy industries and help achieve a managed transition towards the country’s climate goals. Some key elements of this work are already under way for carbon capture and hydrogen production, through the landmark North Sea Transition Deal that OGUK signed with the UK Government last March – the first deal of its kind by a G7 country.

Deirdre Michie, CEO of Offshore Energies UK, said: “Our members are investing in cleaner energies, boosting the technologies needed to support jobs, communities and the UK’s energy security – and to drive the transition to low-carbon energy.

“Following an extensive strategic review, we recognised that we too need to evolve to reflect what is happening in our sector. Working with our members, we are driving forward towards the net zero energy future we all want to see.  Our innovative companies, people and communities will add value to the UK economy as we build an integrated offshore energy sector. 

“This is a natural next step for our organisation, which builds on our heritage of proudly championing the UK’s oil and gas industry. 

“Extending our representation to include renewable and carbon cutting industries will better reflect the agile nature of the companies involved in energy production. We share the same interests, determination and ambition to deliver an integrated net-zero energy system that is cleaner and greener but also secure and sustainable.”

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