Programme of Community Planning Board Visits to LOIP Projects

Councillor Alex Nicoll with pupils at Hazlehead primary school taking part in some of the sporting activities

THE COMMUNITY Planning Aberdeen (CPA) Board, chaired by Aberdeen City Council Co Leader Councillor Alex Nicoll, will be making a series of visits throughout the year to Local Outcome Improvement Plan improvement projects (LOIP) across the city.

The programme will give board members a chance to observe the improvements made and the positive impact within local communities. 

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The first visit took place on Monday 20 February at Hazlehead Primary School where members met The Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sport (PEPAS) group, who described the partnership working that had taken place, including the sharing of professional learning and PE progression in schools. 

Members also saw pupil leadership in practice and how lessons were informed by the clear work of the group.

Aberdeen City Council Co-leader Councillor Alex Nicoll, said: “It was great to discuss the improvements made, which resulted in us meeting our aim of offering 100% of children and young people access to free physical activity, which also improves mental health and wellbeing.

“We are delighted to be in the position to see for ourselves the progress being made within these initiatives and engage with those who they support first hand.”

Future board visits will include the Hazlehead Park Nursery where a number of projects are helping to meet LOIP goals, from more community-run green spaces to increased food growing in schools, neighbourhoods and workplaces.

Board members will also be invited to visit the Torry Skills Centre, which is working towards meeting the LOIP improvement aim of supporting 50 people currently in receipt of benefits start a business in Aberdeen.

Community Planning Aberdeen is the name for your local partnership of public, private and third sector organisations and communities all working together to improve people’s lives across Aberdeen City. More information can be found via the Community Planning Aberdeen website. 

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