SBNN releases five new sector specific weekly newsletters

Scottish Business News Network (SBNN) has added five sector specific weekly newsletters to complement its six geographic newsletters that currently go out daily to a readership of over 7,500.

The sectors being covered are Legal, Finance, Technology, Food & Drink and North Sea. The newsletters will pull together all the Scottish business news relevant to that sector on a weekly basis and readers can subscribe free of charge.

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Mike Watson, founder and editor of SBNN said “This move is completely based on user demand. If someone works in a specific business sector they can now receive all the Scottish business news from that sector, rather than combing through all six regional newsletters to find the same information.

The new newsletters will initially be sent out weekly but may well become daily as specific sector news increases in volume. SBNN encourages companies working in these sectors to send in their news so the Scottish business community can be kept up to date.

The newsletters all summarise the headlines, however all six regional editions can also be easily accessed in full from the SBNN website homepage and now the sector specific news can also be filtered from the main navigation menu.

Mike continued “We are actually working towards creating a series of new micro-sites that will appeal to the business community, these will range from stand alone sector specific sites to service sites such as job posting, company tracking, funding resources and community/network building sites.”

To subscribe to individual sector newsletters click on the relevant pages below and add your email to the subscription box at the top of right hand side column.

If you wish to subscribe to multiple newsletters you can enter your email once on our newsletter subscription page here.

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