Three ways to make sure your social media presence is working for you


WHEN was the last time you took a step back and looked at how your social media channels were performing? We’re not just talking about making sure that you are putting out regular tweets with inspirational quotes for the week, or sharing an Instagram post with everyone giving a thumbs-up because it’s Friday. When was the last time you did a proper audit of how much engagement you’ve had with your posts, of how much traffic your different channels are driving to your business? Social media is not just something you can hand off to an intern, it’s one of the most important tools in any business owner’s arsenal and it can have a massive disruptive impact. If you’re not happy with what you’re seeing, here are a few ways that you can get things up and running.

Remember Who You’re Engaging With

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One of the classic mistakes a lot of businesses make when it comes to their social media presence is to think that they’re either talking into empty space or a captive audience. The truth lies somewhere in between, so it’s important to remember that there are real people out there who may be interested in your business, but that it’s not enough to assume that they’re going to be interested in everything you put out there. So, remember to have a personality that is sincere, to avoid spamming the same links over and over again, and to tailor your content for each of the platforms you use.

Think About Using A Professional Agency

It’s understandable that you might be reluctant to use an external company to represent your personality on social media channels, but employing the services of a professional marketing agency is a great idea if you’re starting out or if you feel like you’re not reaching the audience you want. With so many different channels available, it can be hard to know where to start, and the right agency will work with you to figure out where you will find the most traction and the best audiences for you. Caffeine Marketing can refine your social media efforts with a bespoke strategy that will help raise awareness of your company and get those sales up.

Don’t Go Silent

If there’s one thing that all social media channels have in common, it is that they are in constant motion. Content is a rapidly flowing river, and it’s not enough to throw the occasional message out there and hope that the right person picks it up. Now, we’ll all tell you that spamming is not the way to go, but it’s important that you continue to stay active across your channels to ensure that you stay visible and stay reachable. Speaking of reachable, engagement is one of the most important elements of any social media channel, so don’t be afraid to reach out to your followers to ask them what they would like to see and what you could do better. If someone asks you a question or raises a concern, be sure to reply and to direct them to the site. It’s going to be a big year for social media changes, so staying active will be crucial.

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