Why Legal Advice Should Be Your Priority After A Car Accident

The growing number of car accidents is a cause of concern

THE growing number of car accidents is a cause of concern, and the worst part is that many of them happen due to negligence. Sadly, victims are too shocked or ignorant to approach the law for help. But awareness helps because personal injury law comes to the rescue of the victims who sustain injuries and damages due to someone else’s negligence. However, everything boils down to getting legal advice sooner than later. Let us explain why it should be a priority after a car accident.

You can determine the fault

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Negligence is the mainstay of personal injury claims, so you must determine fault in the first place. A driver may accept wrongdoing immediately in some cases, but most times, they won’t. Consulting a legal professional is the best way to establish the fault for the mishap. You must seek guidance even if you believe that you were at fault or are unsure about the entire situation. An expert can help determine and prove negligence with evidence such as photographs and witness accounts.

You must follow the correct process

A typical injury claim entails several steps, and you must follow them diligently to get a favorable verdict. Representing your case without legal expertise is not a good idea as you may end up missing a step or a key piece of evidence. Having a lawyer on your side gives you more confidence and peace of mind about being on the right track with the claim procedure.  

You can cover the losses

Hiring a legal expert ensures coverage of your losses and getting the rightful compensation value. A car accident claim includes medical expenses, hospital and rehab bills, cost of domestic assistance and home modifications, and current and future economic loss. It can even cover the cost of physical pain and psychological suffering. But only a seasoned lawyer can help you calculate the claim value and ensure that you get what you deserve. 

You must not take a lowball offer

Not hiring a lawyer means you will negotiate the claim with the guilty driver’s insurer on your own. Insurance companies work with seasoned legal teams that do their best to coerce victims to settle for lowball offers. They may even try to prove that you do not deserve a claim because the mishap took place due to your negligence. Collaborating with an attorney right after the accident can prevent this situation. 

You increase your chances of success

Having legal expertise on board soon after the mishap increases the chances of success. They ensure that none of the precious evidence is lost due to delay or ignorance. Moreover, personal injury claims have time limits for submission and subsequent documentation. An attorney keeps you ahead of the deadlines, so they are worth hiring. You may even find someone who works on a “no win, no fee” model. 

A typical car mishap claim involves several steps and details, and missing out on them means losing your compensation. But having a lawyer handling your case right after the accident gives you a head start with the claim.

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