The Things People Don’t Tell You About Starting a Business

Image courtesy of Tyler Franta on Unsplash

There’s a lot that people won’t tell you about starting a business – it’s one of the most exciting yet challenging things you can do. And the worst of it is, that you can read thousands of articles like this one and still be underprepared.

Still, reading articles like this will help. Don’t stop here – read on to learn about some things people don’t tell you about starting a business. 

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The Emotional Rollercoaster

Let’s start with something people do talk about, but not everyone truly understands the scale of it. The emotional rollercoaster is testing. People suffer financially, in their relationships, socially, and in their mental health. There’s no denying that owning a business is a mix of intense highs and lows. 

The constant ups and downs can take a toll on even the most seasoned entrepreneurs – it’s well documented by entrepreneurs like Richard Branson, who started multiple businesses until Virgin was successful.

Create a strong support network – friends, family, partners, online support groups, etc.

Financial Uncertainty

Financial uncertainty is one of the biggest worries for business owners – 82% of small business owners fail because of cash flow issues. 

Revenue may not always be consistent, and there may be times when the financial future seems precarious. Preparing for this uncertainty is essential. It’ll ensure you have sufficient capital to support your business and sustain your personal life. Effective budgeting and financial planning become your lifelines during leaner times. There are good apps and online tools to help you, or you can hire a financial business advisor. 

Choosing the Right Insurance

People don’t always talk about business insurance – specifically, the different types of business insurance you can get. It’s not just the actual business you need to ensure.

Business insurance can protect against various risks, from liability claims to property damage. Notable among the essential policies that people don’t always consider is the directors life insurance. It ensures the business can continue operating if something happens to an essential team member. Other important types of insurance include general liability insurance, professional indemnity insurance, and property insurance.

Underestimating Time Investments

A common misconception about entrepreneurship is the flexibility it offers. We can absolutely promise you that it doesn’t offer flexibility, especially if the business is busy and growing. Yes, business owners can indeed set their schedules to some extent, but the reality is that running a business demands long hours. Sometimes, it eases off. But, in the beginning, it’s an almost 24/7 operation. And if you’re not at work, you’re thinking about it.

The commitment can easily beat a typical full-time job, encroaching on personal time and leading to work-life balance issues. Be realistic about your time management and be prepared to work the hours. 

Legal and Administrative Complexities

The excitement of bringing a new idea to market can overshadow absolutely everything else. There are definitely some less glamorous aspects of starting a business, like the maze of legal and administrative tasks. From getting the proper licences to understanding tax obligations and employment laws, these tasks are essential for establishing a solid foundation for your business. 

You should probably hire someone to do it. Seeking advice from legal professionals and possibly hiring an experienced administrator will help ensure you cover all bases.

This article doesn’t scratch the surface – running a business is a continuous learning curve. It’s impossible to run a business without crossing issues nobody prepared you for. Ensuring you have the best support systems – personally and professionally – will make a big difference. You should probably read a few more articles like this also to help.

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