Fears of business interruption at Aberdeen Airport grow

Image by Anna Gru

As we enter the height of the Summer travel season, concerns continue to grow that flights to and from Aberdeen Airport could be disrupted by industrial action. This would affect not only domestic travel but business travel as well. As Unite secures a pay settlement for Menzies Aviation workers at Edinburgh Airport, the union has hit out at ICTS and its alleged intransigence in reaching a settlement at Aberdeen. Possible strike action would also affect Glasgow Airport and impact travel arrangements.

In commenting on the Menzies settlement, Pat McIlvogue, Unite industrial officer, said: “The pay deal with Menzies is a timely reminder to other companies based at Scottish airports that deals can be reached through negotiation.

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“The same can’t be said for other companies like ICTS, which we are in dispute at Aberdeen and Glasgow airports.”

“ICTS appears intent on escalating our dispute to strike action, rather than resolving this through talks by making a fair pay offer to our members.”

Our colleagues at Scottish Business News examine the basis of this dispute:

What is the context of the dispute:

  1. Rejection of Pay Offer:
  1. Approximately 300 ICTS Central Search employees at Aberdeen and Glasgow airports have rejected a proposed 4% retroactive pay increase and a one-time £500 payment.
  2. The union argues that ICTS, a profitable company, can afford to offer more generous terms. ICTS reported a profit of £3.2 million in 2023, up from £2.3 million the previous year.
  1. Working Conditions:
  1. Unite has highlighted issues such as understaffing and the denial of contractual breaks, leading to worker fatigue and stress.
  2. The union claims that ICTS employees are essential for airport operations, performing critical safety and security tasks.
  1. Union’s Position:
  1. Sharon Graham, Unite’s general secretary, and Pat McIlvogue, the lead industrial officer, have both emphasized the importance of fair compensation and respect for the workers’ roles.
  2. The union has decided to ballot its members for potential strike action, which could disrupt airport operations during the peak summer holiday season.

Comparison with Menzies Aviation

In contrast, Menzies Aviation workers at Edinburgh Airport have successfully negotiated a 7.4% pay rise, avoiding industrial action. This deal includes:

  • A 6.4% increase in basic pay.
  • Enhanced overtime rates and an unsociable hours supplement.
  • A new company sick pay scheme.

Pat McIlvogue pointed out that the successful negotiation with Menzies Aviation serves as a reminder that fair deals can be reached through talks, unlike the situation with ICTS.


Pat McIlvogue pointed out that the successful negotiation with Menzies Aviation serves as a reminder that fair deals can be reached through talks, unlike the situation with ICTS.

His statement underscores the union’s frustration with ICTS’s approach to negotiations, contrasting it with the more cooperative stance of Menzies Aviation. The union’s decision to ballot for strike action reflects their belief that ICTS is not engaging in meaningful negotiations to resolve the dispute amicably.

The concern for users of Aberdeen and Glasgow airport is that strike action could have a meaningful impact on travel associated with these important facilities.

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