RGU researchers require HR survey input

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RESEARCHERS at Robert Gordon University have launched a new project to explore the relevance of evidence-based practice (EBP) to HR decision making.

Based in the Aberdeen Business School, the team are now seeking to hear directly from HR leaders via a short and confidential online survey to further enhance their understanding of knowledge and attitude towards EBP in the HR sector.

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The 10-minute survey, which is a key component of the research project, supports the ongoing development of HR professionals. Participants must be a manager or director in human resources in Scotland with responsibility for the HR function or an HR discipline in an organisation.

Closing on Sunday 24 September, it can be completed here: Evidence-based practice (EBP): Relevance and application to HR related decision-making 

Find out more about evidence-based practice by reviewing the CIPD factsheet. For any questions or to find out more please contact Dr Susan Reid Elder or Dr Moira Nikodem.

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