IN RESPONSE to the University of Aberdeen’s decision to stop admitting any new students to single Language degrees for 2024, students have started a Christmas Card campaign to let the University know how they feel.
Despite the Languages consultation being ongoing, the University has gone ahead and effectively cancelled courses before students, staff and other stakeholders have had the opportunity to have their say. But in just 24 hours, over a hundred Christmas Cards were sent to the University by students to let them know how important languages degrees and their lecturer’s jobs are.
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With dozens of staff jobs still at risk and course closures imminent, yesterday Santa delivered the cards to university management offices.
Rhiannon Ledwell, Vice President for Education, said:
“Students, alumni, staff, and supporters are furious that jobs are still at risk, courses for next year cancelled, and those that remain are facing damaging cuts.
Every member of the Modern Languages staff team has been ‘gifted’ a risk of redundancy letter this Christmas by the University, and they are spending the holidays fearing for their jobs and futures.
Our community is giving something in return, to show the distress the threat to degrees and jobs has created. We are sending a strong message that we remain united against the University’s short-sighted plans, and that we will continue fighting until all jobs and degrees are saved.
We received over 100 cards in just the first 24 hours, and even Santa got involved by delivering a sack full of these personalised messages to the Senior Vice Principal’s office.”