THE Denis Law Legacy Trust Community Festival kicked off in high spirits with Streetsport’s annual Sport di Strada tournament.
It marked the beginning of the 2023 Denis Law Legacy Trust Community Festival at Aberdeen Sports Village, offering free family sport and activities for children, families, teens and adults over the summer.
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The tournament, named in honour of Denis Law’s period of playing in Italy, brings together young people from around the city where Denis Law Legacy Trust operates in to compete against each other in a fun, but competitive, tournament.
This year’s Sport di Strada saw 12 teams over two leagues vying for top spots. Once the dust had settled, Northfield triumphed once again in the younger tournament and in the older age group, George Street Astro claimed the Sport di Strada trophy after a thrilling final against Dee United.
Denis Law Legacy Trust is a registered children’s charity that operates and delivers a number of free to access programmes and positive destination activities for young people in Aberdeen.
The trust’s flagship programme Streetsport, ran in partnership with Robert Gordon University, aims to reduce instances of youth crime and anti-social behaviour; promote health and wellbeing and encourage inclusivity through sport, physical activity and creative endeavour.
The awards were handed out to the winners by Aberdeen FC’s most successful captain and Denis Law Legacy Trust ambassador, Willie Miller, alongside one of the club’s current central defenders Angus MacDonald.
Denis Law Legacy Trust would like to thank the generosity of the Co-Op Aberdeen who supplied refreshments for the event with fresh fruit and water and Central Coaches who provided free transport for all the teams taking part. Their generosity is much appreciated and makes a significant contribution to the charity’s operations.
Visit the Denis Law Legacy Trust website to see all of the images from the Community Festival, including the Sport di Strada, Corporate 7’s, Girls Festival and ASN Tournament: