When and why wear a scaffolding harness


Scaffolding harnesses are advised for works over four metres without a sturdy platform or edge protection. Working at height is safer with a harness. The project will determine the best alternative. Full-body or fall arrest harness? Full-body harnesses disperse fall force, protecting your entire body, unlike the latter, which might cause spinal injury. Here are some harness basics and when to utilise them.

Are scaffolding harnesses necessary?

Scaffolding requires a harness to prevent falls. Safety harness kits are easy to miss, especially for home or one-time projects. Scaffolders can assess if a harness is needed based on the scaffolding type.

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Work at Height Act 2005

UK law (Work at Height Regulations Act 2005) requires fall protection or PPE from 2m or above. It involves ladder work, flat heights, rooftops, fragile surfaces, and even holes in the ground.

The Work at Height Act 2005 requires workers at height to:

  • Avoid height work wherever possible.
  • If unavoidable, utilise proper safety gear.
  • Work from the ground wherever possible and ensure safe access to and from heights.
  • Safety equipment should be sturdy, stable, regulated, and examined periodically.
  • Avoid overextending and be mindful of falling things

How long should scaffolding harnesses last?

Five years is typical scaffold harness life. This period varies by quality and model. Upkeep, use, and frequency will also affect its lifespan. It may have a guarantee or a specified equipment lifespan, depending on the type.

Is PPE harness?

Harnesses are PPE because they prevent falls on high ground. The harness is tied to a lanyard for arrest and fall prevention. The scaffolder cannot reach the fall risk region due to the short lanyard.

Must safety harness wearers be trained?

Wearing a safety harness requires training. Knowledge of the equipment and how to use it can help you operate safely and avoid falls.

At what height is fall protection needed?

Working above 6 feet requires fall protection. Consider the duration of the risk, the height at which the workers will work, and how to provide a safe solution.

Is a ladder harness needed?

No harness is needed on a ladder. If you need to reach a four- to six-foot height, consider it. When needed, a trained scaffolder should know.

Working at heights: Do I need a permit?

The UK does not require permits to work at heights, but workers must undergo a working at heights course to verify they are competent and know how to properly operate at heights and manage risks.

Working on Scaffolding

Weather can also make scaffolding work more perilous. Working at height is dangerous in windy weather because materials and equipment might fall off the scaffold and make it less stable! Slips and falls may occur on scaffold boards in wet weather. Before climbing the scaffolding to start work, do a risk assessment because storms might cause unanticipated risks like fallen power wires.

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