Incentives for solar panels in Aberdeen businesses


SUSTAINABLE energy solutions have become a hot topic today, and Aberdeen’s businesses are no exception. But with its reputation as the energy capital of Europe, many are wondering whether solar panels can be a viable option for businesses in Aberdeen. So, the big question remains: can businesses in Aberdeen use solar panels today? We have come to address some of your top questions surrounding this topic.

Is solar energy viable in Aberdeen’s climate?

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One of the primary concerns when it comes to solar panels in Aberdeen is the city’s reputation for cloudy and rainy weather. While it’s true that Aberdeen experiences its fair share of overcast days, solar technology has come a long way. In fact, modern solar panels are designed to generate electricity even in low-light conditions! Moreover, the cumulative effect of sunlight throughout the year can still make solar energy a viable option.

 What about the lack of sunlight in the winter months?

Winter months typically bring shorter days and less intense sunlight. However, this doesn’t mean that solar panels become completely ineffective. According to a commercial solar company in the UK, solar panels can still generate a significant amount of energy during winter, albeit at a slightly reduced rate. Additionally, excess energy generated during sunnier months can be stored for use during the darker months – and this is where efficient energy storage solutions come into play, ensuring a continuous power supply.

Are there financial incentives for businesses?

Yes, there are several financial incentives for Aberdeen’s businesses to adopt solar panels. The UK government’s Feed-in Tariff scheme, although closed to new applicants as of March 2019, has been replaced by the Smart Export Guarantee (or the SEG). This means businesses can still earn money by exporting surplus energy back to the grid. In addition, there are potential tax benefits, grants, and rebates available, depending on the specific circumstances and location of the business.

What are the environmental benefits?

Solar panels contribute to a significant reduction in carbon emissions. By harnessing clean and renewable energy from the sun, businesses can lower their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. This aligns well with corporate social responsibility initiatives and improves a company’s reputation as an environmentally conscious entity.

Is the initial investment justified?

While the initial investment for installing solar panels can be substantial, consider the long-term benefits. Over time, the savings generated from reduced electricity bills can outweigh the initial costs. Additionally, the price of solar panels and installation has been steadily decreasing, making it a more financially viable option.

Are there aesthetic concerns?

Aesthetic concerns are understandable, especially for businesses concerned about the visual impact of solar panels on their premises. However, solar panel technology has advanced, and options that blend more seamlessly with the architecture are now available. Solar panels can even be integrated into building materials (such as solar roof tiles), offering a more visually appealing solution.

What about maintenance?

Maintaining solar panels is relatively low-effort. They have no moving parts, and regular cleaning to remove dirt and debris is usually sufficient. Many solar panel manufacturers also offer warranties that cover maintenance and repairs for a certain period.

Solar panels can indeed be a viable and beneficial option for Aberdeen’s businesses. While the weather may not always be sunny, advancements in technology, financial incentives, and environmental benefits make solar energy a worthwhile consideration. 

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