AS part of Robert Gordon University’s (RGU) significant investment in research, 10 Chancellor’s Fellows are being recruited to advance innovative research that responds to real-world challenges.
The Chancellor’s Fellows are part of RGU’s ambitious new research strategy and will be focussing on interdisciplinary research and will be based across RGU’s academic schools. As leading experts in their chosen fields, Fellows will develop a programme of research and knowledge exchange activities, producing high quality research materials and applying for external funding to support their work.
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The current list of Fellows are Laura Leuzzi (Gray’s School of Art), Gael Morrow (School of Pharmacy and Life Sciences), Joanna Shim (School of Health Sciences), William Ball (School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedic Practice), Anne-Marie Foster (School of Creative and Cultural Business), Ruby Roberts (Aberdeen Business School), Ikechukwu Nkisi-Orji (School of Computing), Wei Zhang (National Subsea Centre) and Vinoth Ramalingam (School of Engineering). RGU are actively seeking a tenth Fellow to be based at its Orkney campus, boosting the numbers of staff who are currently working in Stromness
Dame Evelyn Glennie CH, Robert Gordon University’s Chancellor, said: “No university should become an ivory tower but instead be one of the most collaborative organisations out there. Few organisations have such a wide range of stakeholders – from government agencies and public bodies, to the charitable and corporate world.
“The initiative of the Chancellor’s Fellows focuses on the importance of research and connections which are vital to the enrichment of all our lives. After all, it is not enough to create knowledge that exists only within the University, but to build on the mechanisms to transfer that knowledge out. All associated with a University are expected to contribute to the big challenges facing us; climate change, sustainability, global health. To do so successfully, we must all engage with proactive thinking, yet remain in close partnership with society. This is why the Chancellor’s Fellowship initiative is so important.”
Professor Nick Fyfe, Vice Principal for Research and Community Engagement, said: “The Chancellor’s Fellows are outstanding scholars who will significantly enrich the University’s research community and together their work encompasses the key interdisciplinary themes Environment, Energy, and Sustainability; Health and well-being; Living in a Digital World; and Inclusive and Creative Societies set out in our research strategy.
“These appointments place RGU in an ideal position going forward as we look to build a strong and vibrant research environment together with a positive and inclusive research culture.”