Rig inspection company helps hundreds benefit from new qualification during Covid-19 pandemic

ADC Americas team who led the support to clients. L-R Kit Trahan, Luisa Vasquez, Lance Norris, Toni Porretto and Ryan Bridge.

SPECIALIST rig inspection company Aberdeen Drilling Consultants (ADC) has been helping hundreds of oil workers across the world learn how to maintain drilling operations since the Covid-19 pandemic struck.

In order to help its customers protect their operations with the double impact of Covid-19 and the lower oil price, ADC offered its Understanding Rig Inspection online course to all clients free of charge.

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In the past few months, more than 500 people from businesses including operators, drilling contractors, contractors and certification organisations have signed up to the training from locations around the globe, including the Americas, Australia, Asia, West Africa and Europe.

Kit Trahan, vice president – ADC Americas, who led the support to clients, said: “It is important to us that our clients are able to maintain their operations so we chose to offer to help train their staff to be able to identify the early signs of mechanical fatigue, systems failures and other issues.

“Having people with that level of knowledge will ensure rigs are maintained to an operational level. It is critical to us that we help our clients adapt to the new environment we are all working in.”

The immersive online course – which is made up of video footage, animations and technical input from ADC – was initially developed in 2012 in response to requests from clients, and has seen nearly 10,000 people sign up since it was launched.

It is SQA certified and has been vetted by the International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) and now makes up 10% of the Masters course in Petroleum Engineering at the University of Aberdeen.




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